Shimla: The town police was in the state of quandary today as they were reported two separate burglaries, taking away gold ornaments of about Rs6 lac value and cash of Rs125000. The first burglary was reported from New Totu, suburbs of this capital town when Rajinder Thakur filed a complaint. The victim was shaken by the incident when he found that house was broken into with all the ornaments stolen. Police has registered a case with theft of jewellery and cash worth Rs3 lakhs.
In the second identical burglary that took place in Jakhu area of this town. R. S. Rana filed a complaint that he was coming back to town after a long break and he found cash and gold ornaments stolen. He also said that window was broken by the miscreants. Plice said that a case has been registered with theft of cash and ornaments worth Rs4.25lakh.