Shimla: Following request from the state government, the Centre has handed over the 142-km stretch of Tandi-Killar to Himachal Pradesh from the Border Roads Organisation. The state government has also been sanctioned Rs 7 crore for its improvement and maintenance.
Thanking the prime minister for permitting transfer, the state Chief Minister on Friday said the road was of vital importance for the people of the state because a large number of residents of Pangi valley in Chamba district were connected with the rest of the country through this road.
Claiming that the Border Roads Organisation had been treating the road as a low-priority area, he said that very little money was being spent on its maintenence and improvement.He said the people of Lahaul and Pangi have been totally dependent upon the road for commuting and transportation of their agro produce and its poor condition was an impediment in reaching the markets in time.
Virbhadra Singh said the final nod has been received from the Centre only recently and the state public works department would take over the control of the road after the transfer modalities had been completed.
The state government has also been contemplating construction of tunnels below the high passes which would connect the valleys with roads all year round and add to tourism promotion in those areas.