Shimla: Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal today launched new web portal of excise and taxation department for e-payment of VAT at his office chamber here today by accepting payment of Rs. 99,999 from Director of Symbiotic Drugs and Diabetic Care Private Limited, Parwanoo Sanjay Guleria and issuing them hard copy of the electronically generated receipts. Chief Minister congratulated the E&T Department for launching the e-enabled web portal to facilitate businessmen, adding a new chapter into the state’s e-governance endeavors.
Initially the facility would be available to the traders having TIN Numbers issued by the department of E&T and having their accounts in the SBI and PNB Banks. With the launch of the facility, VAT payers can deposit their payments electronically up to 2100 hrs every day and the payment made after that would be accounted for on the next date. He said that it was internet enabled operation at reduced cost based upon citizen-centric perspective for improved convenience of the people. He said that the facility would enable the businessmen to make payment from any part of the world through email and save them from all hassles they had been experiencing in depositing the VAT etc. in the respective offices in person.
Hope to reduce the long queues of tax payers in the bank on last day of each Quarter
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