Shimla: Himalaya Niti Abhiyan along with Renuka Bandh Sangharsha Samiti is holding a hunger strike tomorrow in Renukaji against the ambitious Renuka Dam project which intends to supply drinking water to Delhi. State coordinator, Himalaya Niti Abhiyan, Guman Singh said in a press statement issued here today that the forest clearance for the project has been denied by MoEF, but the state is revising the project by reducing the height of dam .
He said that activist of HNA and RBSS were going on hunger strike from tomorrow at Renukaji. He stated that HNA has also warned the Chairperson, National Appellate Committee (NAC) under Ministers of Environment and Panchayati Raj, Rahul Gandhi and NC Saxena about the protest. HNA also threatened that hunger strike is to be followed by a demonstration in Delhi to mount pressure on authorities for dam development in Himalayas.