Rs. 72.15 crore to be spent on sports activities under PYKKA upto 2016-17



Shimla: Over Rs. 72.15 crore would be spent on sports activities under PYKKA upto the year 2016-17 and Dharamshala will be developed as an International-level sports town. This was stated by Prem Kumar Dhumal, Chief Minister, while addressing the closing ceremony of 27th Himachal Pradesh Women Sports Meet, which concluded at Dharamshala today. He gave away prizes to the winner and runner-up teams of the tournament. Overall, the beast team was Kangra and in march-past, Kinnaur district had been adjudged best. During the ceremony, he also said that a cricket academy would be established in Shimla to give boost to cricket sports activities. He said that under three percent reservation, 256 outstanding sportsersons had been provided employment in the government sector. He said that Rs. 1.17 crore were being spent during current financial year over state-level, district and block-level sports activities and state- level tournaments had been scheduled to be held at Mandi in November this year. He also said that state government had also enhanced the grant- in-aid to the sports councils based upon their categorization. He said that these were now getting Rs. 75,000, Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 35,000 respectively for different categories.

He said that sports infrastructure upgradation was being carried out in different towns of the State. He said that Ambuja Cements and ACC Cements would be provided Rs. 18 crore for setting up of synthetic tracks at Dharamshala and Hamirpur with a view to provide latest sports infrastructural facilities to the sportspersons. He said that 45 lakh were being spent over Teraflex laying to facilitate volleyball matches at Bilaspur, Una and Shimla and various infrastructure upgrdation activities were being undertaken in different parts of the State. He said that a sum of Rs. 774.43 lakh would be spent over infrastructural upgradation activities during current financial year  and two sports hostels were also being constructed at Una and Bilaspur at a cost of Rs. 48 lakh. He also pointed out that Himalayan Open Para Gliding Championship would be organised at Beer from October 29 to November 2, 2010 by the Youth Services and Sports Department to motivate local youth to participate and excel in the sports. He said that the state government was making an effort to bring rural sports to the fore by providing them with required sports infrastructure and facilities to participate in different games.

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