Himachal website for adolescent problems, a big problem itself


This is about one of the very good initiatives just gone wasted. “First website dedicated to the problems/queries of Adolescents” by State Council of Educational Research & Training, Solan, HP, proudly announces a link on the himachal.nic.in site. You visit the link and are not surprised to find half of the links not working.

The links to ‘About Us’, ‘FAQs’, ‘Your Queries’ are not working. In fact there are no links at all. Photo Gallery has irrelevant pictures and ill-managed. ‘Events’ has only one picture with the caption: Students of District Bilaspur participating in Population Awareness Show at Ghumarwin. What was the event and when it was, there’s no mention about it. There are in fact no events at all.

The other links that do not work are ‘किशोरावस्था शिक्शा – क्या कयों और कैसे?’ and ‘जीवन पाथ्य’. Both broken links are in Hindi and then we have links in English – ‘For Boys’, ‘For Girls’ and ‘For Parents’ under the heading ‘Curiosity’. Go to the page and you find articles in Hindi. Not that the articles shouldn’t be in Hindi, but why then are the links in English when actually some other links are in Hindi.

A disclaimer proudly announces: Site designed & developed by National Informatics Centre, Himachal Pradesh. Content owned, maintained and updated by State Council of Educational Research & Training, Solan. Try and dig out when was the last time the site was updated/modified. Surprise: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 3:01:01 PM. Possibly the day, when it was launched.

Even the contact numbers seem to be outdated.

So where and how does an adolescent send his/her queries? When the world is moving towards Web 2.0, all Himachal websites seem to be using technology of the early ’90s.

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  1. All state owned/govt owned institutions will invariably rope in NIC for their website designing work. Quality of their work…they won’t deserve even a nought out of ten. It is a ‘blood is thicker that water’ attitude which makes these establishments give business to NIC year after year.

    Regarding adolescece issues…people can always refer to other well designed and information packed Indian websites.

    I think ndtvdoctor also addresses these issues.

    Sometimes I wonder…animal world never encounters these issues..human beings gifted with a smart mental faculty need to be educated about adolescence and sex.


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