Hiroshima varsity delegation visits HPU to join hands for collaborative research on contemporary India



Shimla: Hidenori Okahashi and Prof. Yoshimi from the Centre for the Contemporary India Studies, Hiroshima University, visited the Institute of Integrated Himalayan Studies with their proposal to join hands for undertaking collaborative research to find out analytical frameworks & research methods for a comprehensive understanding of contemporary India and its future prospects.

A small workshop-cum-interactive session was also organized in the conference hall of the Institute with an objective to discuss the idea behind the project. Briefing about the agenda of the NIHU (National Institutes for the Humanities) Program ‘Contemporary India Area Studies’, Prof. Okahashi said that the programme intends at conducting interdisciplinary studies on contemporary India by combining perspectives and methodologies of Humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. Developing well-organized research networks, mutual exchanges among researchers, training young scholars, building research infrastructure, promoting academic-social networks and enhancing public opinion are the other main emphasis of the programme.

Prof. Sunil Kumar Gupta, Vice-Chancellor, Himachal Pradesh University and President of IIHS assured that the university and Institute are ready to work in partnership for the cause. Later, Prof. S. P. Bansal, Director of the Institute, laid down the activities and work done by the institute and Prof. Okahashi appreciated the activities and work culture of the Institute, showing keen interest in joining hands for collaborative research. Both the institutes will exchange the information and conduct wide range of inter-disciplinary studies on contemporary India.

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