Shimla: Chief Minster Prem Kumar Dhumal ridiculing the statement of Union steel minister Virbhadra Singh in which he has described the much publicized CD as political vendetta against him, today said that he should refrain from giving statements “which did not hold good and are concocted just to achieve his political ends”.
Dhumal said that the report of the Central Forensic Laboratory about the CD clearly indicate the voice of Virbhadra Singh, and “cut and paste theory of which he speaks time and again had been negated totally”. Regarding the other two CDs which Virbhadra Singh had produced in his defense, he said not only one but two forensic laboratories had described them as cut and paste work.
Dhumal said that neither there was any political conspiracy not any vendetta against Virbhadra Singh, and law was taking its own course.
no one is while collar in Politics , they all are making fool of peoples and we are becoming fool because we don’t have any option ,.
Chief election commission of India should introduce a option stating None of the above candidate in evm machines and any state where no majority , no 2nd time election directly president rule……..like developed nations ….should be president rule …..
no one is while collar in Politics , they all are making fool of peoples and we are becoming fool because we don’t have any option ,.
Chief election commission of India should introduce a option stating None of the above candidate in evm machines and any   state where no majority , no 2nd time election directly president rule……..like developed nations ….should be president rule …..
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