Apples see a marginal increase in the prices



Shimla: The Prices of best quality of Himachal apples have slightly improvised as festival season has stimulated its demand. It has brought cheer on the faces of the framers.  Gian Singh Chandel, chairman of Agriculture Produce Marketing Corporation, a state run apple market committee at Dhalli, claimed that market once again has started looking up after weeks of slump, as price of superior grade apples has increased by Rs.100 to Rs.150 a box. He also said that price rise is owing to Janamashtami and up coming Id-ul-Fitr festival.  Royal Delicious was fetching Rs.250 to Rs.850 a box, while Royal Red and Golden were getting Rs.250 to Rs.650 and Rs.250 to Rs.300 a crate respectively. Horticulture department officials said, over two crore standard boxes of apples have been sent to various markets till date and on an average, over 600,000 boxes are reaching the markets everyday. However, the best quality apples in the country from upper most belt of Shimla, Kinnaur and the Spiti are yet to reach the markets.

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  1. Atleast I have not found cheers on the faces of apple growers. If this report is based on the statement of the gentleman mentioned therein then it can certainly not be believed. His statement had also appeared from Theog in a section of press yesterday stating inter alia that there was no shortage of cartons and trays. I am not aware, what is his source of information. But it is a fact that the HPMC at Jarol-Tikkar does not have any tray as well as crates for the last so many days and their packing house is lying idle due to this reason.My orchard is located at a distance of about 100 meters from the hpmc packing house and I am in constant touch with them. I can however not comment about the present market rates of apple boxes because I have not been able to pluck my apple crop so far and send it to market due to non availability of crates and trays with the HPMC.Plucking time is getting delayed and the apples have started dropping. What can a helpless farmer do? How to believe the statements of sycophants and leaders who are certainly not the well wishers of the farmers!The apple growers are forced by the apathy of the government to see their crop rotting and dropping before their eyes helplessly. May God help us!

  2. Atleast I have not found cheers on the faces of apple growers. If this report is based on the statement of the gentleman mentioned therein then it can certainly not be believed. His statement had also appeared from Theog in a section of press yesterday stating inter alia that there was no shortage of cartons and trays. I am not aware, what is his source of information. But it is a fact that the HPMC at Jarol-Tikkar does not have any tray as well as crates for the last so many days and their packing house is lying idle due to this reason.My orchard is located at a distance of about 100 meters from the hpmc packing house and I am in constant touch with them. I can however not comment about the present market rates of apple boxes because I have not been able to pluck my apple crop so far and send it to market due to non availability of crates and trays with the HPMC.Plucking time is getting delayed and the apples have started dropping. What can a helpless farmer do? How to believe the statements of sycophants and leaders who are certainly not the well wishers of the farmers!The apple growers are forced by the apathy of the government to see their crop rotting and dropping before their eyes helplessly. May God help us!

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