Shimla: Election fever has gripped the colleges across the state with the SCA polls streaming out results. Somewhere it was ABVP and somewhere it was NSUI or SFI, everywhere there was a fight to be the best. SFI swept the Students Central Association (SCA) polls in the MCM DAV College Kangra today bagging all the four seats of the office bearers and Azad Chater Sangh ( ACS) emerging as second largest students group with both ABVP and NSUI pushed to the back seat. Jeerath Sharma of NSUI was elected as Presidentr of SCA of the Regional Center while Monika Choudary, Vipin Parmar and Sarwaja Rana were elected to the post of Vice President, General Secretary and Joint Secretary respectively and all the three bleonged to ABVP. E.O.M
In Vikram Batra Govt. Degree College Palampur all the four seats were bagged by NSUI and in Govt. Degree College Nagrota Bagwan two seats each were bagged by NSUI and ABVP. NSUI and SFI won two seats each in Rajpura College. NSUI bagged all the four posts of Govt. College Dehri where as in Govt. Arya College Nurpur NSUI won three and ABVP won one seat only. In Una distict there was a clean sweep of ABVP in six colleges and NSUI could only win one college while Independent studnet Union won election at Himutkarsh Girl Colelges in teh distirct. In lone college of Lahaul Spiti district ABVP won three seats while NSUI won president seat. In seven collegs of Chamba distirct NSUI won twelve seats, ABVP eleven and SFI four. In four colleges of Kullu district ABVP swept three colelges of Anni, Banjar and Haripur while in main Kullu college NSUI won two seats, SFI and ABVP won one seat each.
In Bilaspur district there was clean sweep of ABVP in three out of five colleges. In Main Bilaspur college Bilaspur Student Association wins all the four seats whiel in Naina Devi College NSUI and ABVP two each. In Shimla district SFI wins SCA poll by getting 21 seats followed by ABVP 16 seats and NSUI won 15 in 12 colleges and University. In Six colleges of Sirmour district ABVP swept three NSUI and Local studnet union won one each.
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