Centre asks HP to settle rights of tribals before their eviction from protected areas



Shimla: It has been just one month since a union team visited the state to know the reasons for non implementation of Tribal Forest Right Act 2006. And, now Union Minister of Tribal Affairs, Kanti Lal Bhuria has taken serious note of the complaints received that some Scheduled Tribes (STs) living in protected areas are being forced to evict without their rights getting settled. According to Press and Information Bureau release issued here, Mr Bhuria has written a letter to State Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal in this regard.

Besides, with timely coordination with the Ministry of Environment and Forests, the instructions were issued to State Forest Department to faithfully implement the provisions of the Forest Rights Act before taking any decision to evict the STs in National Parks and Sanctuaries. Mr. Bhuria has communicated to State government that as per the information available with the Ministry, critical wildlife habitats in the protected areas are yet to be determined and notified under Section 2(b) of the Act. Therefore, no action has been taken by State for the recognition and vesting of rights of forest dwelling STs and other traditional forest dwellers occupying forest land in the protected areas.  In fact, the rights need to be recognized first in the protected areas before undertaking any exercise for resettlement. No eviction and re-settlement is permissible till all the formalities are completed, he stressed. He said that this should be done keeping in view that the STs and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 envisages the recognition and vesting of forest rights in forest dwelling STs and other traditional forest dwellers over forest land in the protected areas also.

Consequently Ministry of Environment and Forests(MOE&F) has requested the State government to evaluate the compensation to be paid to tribals through award of collector. Similar instructions are also being issued to other state housed ST and forest dwellers like Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Uttrakhand. In the month of July this year, Union Tribal Ministry had sent a team of special committee set to conduct public hearing about non-implementation of this Act in Himachal Pradesh.

Kinnuar, Lahaul Spiti  Chamba and Kangra districts were mostly dominated by such population groups comprising Gaddis (semi-nomadic & semi-pastoral tribe), Gujjars (pastoral) Kinneuri((polygamous & Polyandrous) Pangwalas and Bhots (monogamous ), Lahaulis (Endogamous and Polyandrous) and Jads( Polyandrous and patrilineal tribe). Most of these tribes were being engaged in sheep, goat and others animal rearing, depending  on forest lands. Half of the family members roam in the Jungle for at least six to seven months in a years grazing their livestock on pastoral land. STs and other forest dwellers tribes constitutes about 9-10 percent of total state population even Kinnuar and Lauhal Spiti district have 100 percent rural population also known as tribal districts.

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