Shimla: State Government has enhanced the budgetary provisions under Scheduled Caste Component Plan from 11 percent to 25 percent. In addition to this, record Rs. 988 crore has been earmarked to be spent on focused development of scheduled caste concentrated habitations in the state during current financial year. This was revealed today by Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal, Chief Minister, while addressing the office bearers of Balh BJP Mandal of district Mandi in his office chamber under Mukhya Mantri BJP Mandal Milan Programme.
Chief Minister said that the State has launched ‘Bhed Palak (Shephard) Samridhi Yojna’ from August 15 this year and will provide subsidy of Rs. 33,300 over a loan of Rs. 1.00 lakh to purchase best speciesv40 sheep and two rams. He said that the subsidy component was 33 percent of the loan amount and the scheme was aimed at revival and strengthening the traditional sheep breeding avocation of the shepherd families in the state. He also said that there were three ambitious programs valued at Rs. 1,095 crore, aiming at strengthening the farm sector. It included Deen Dayal Kisaan Baagwan Samridhi Yojna, a Rs. 353 crore scheme having highest component of upto 90 percent subsidy. Doodh Ganga Yojna, a Rs. 300 crore project is aimed at giving boost to the animal husbandry sector and easy loan facilities. And, one more Rs. 442 crore organic fertilizer project was in the pipeline to help farmers produce organic agricultural inputs at their own level.
He also pointed out that it was for the first time that any Chief Minister had retained agriculture and animal husbandry portfolio with himself, denoting the priority BJP Government was according to both basic sectors. He said that the BJP Government has sanctioned Rs. 100 crore Balh Valley Medium Irrigation Scheme and a national level ESI Medical College. A Hospital is coming up at Ner Chowk, which would deliver people specialized medical services. He said that the State Government has ensured 25 seats in MBBS courses of the ESI Medical College. The objective behind holding Mukhya Mantri BJP Mandal Milan program was making direct contact with the workers and understand their problems. He said that the State Government had been according high priority to the recommendations being made by the BJP Mandals on various issues. He thanked the Mandal for donating Rs. 3100 towards CM Relief Fund.
He further said that BJP workers should go to public, telling them about the achievements of the BJB government. It would not only boost up the morale, but also bring in the positive attitude. He also said that record development was taking place all over without any discrimination and political considerations, providing BJP workers opportunity to get closer to the common man. He advised the workers to stand by the people of their respective areas in difficulties which would win them their trust and it was need of the hour to strengthen the party at the grass root level.
Shri Ram Swarup Sharma, General Secretary State BJP, welcomed the Chief Minister and detailed various activities of the party at Mandal Level while Shri Sanjay Rao, President, Balh BJP Mandal, counted the developmental milestones established in his segment during past 30 months. Shri Damodar Dass former MLA also apprised the Chief Minister of various developmental requirements of the people of the area. Other party office bearers spoke on various issues of concern to them and assured the Chief Minister of strengthening the party at the grass root level, winning seats in the ensuing panchayati raj elections.
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