Shimla: Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal today gave a clarion call to the young generation to promote non-conventional energy resources, and preserve water, environment and other precious gifts of nature and spread the message across the length and width of the state. He was addressing students of various educational institutions at his official residence Oakover here today from where he flagged off an awareness rally to mark Akshay Urja Divas, which falls on birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi.
The Chief Minister said that with the change in climatic conditions, there was also change in environment and the entire season cycle was getting disturbed. He said that cautious use of all natural resources available was the need of the hour and people were required to be educated about the future challenges likely to affect the human life adversely. He said that young citizens were the right mode to spread the message and create mass awareness. He said that optimum use of the non-conventional energy for their daily requirements. He said that hydel potential being exploited for electricity generation etc. had also to be utilized cautiously and its bonafide use ensured. He underlined the need for saving every drop of water and stop wastage of the same so that it was saved for human consumption. He said that rain water harvesting was being emphasised at all level and people motivated to use the same for non drinking purposes.
Earlier, the Chief Minister led the state in paying tributes to the former Prime Minister on his 66th birth anniversary by offering flowers at the statue of Rajiv Gandhi at the ‘Sadhavna Chowk’ near HP Secretariat, here today. He was joined by leader of Opposition Vidya Stokes and other legislators. Sadbhavana Diwas was also observed at the Raj Bhavan.