Chamba: The Court pronounced five-year sentence along with fine of Rs 50,000 while declaring a NDPS accused Bali Ram responsible for the crime while delivering judgment in a case filled against him in March 2009. After hearing the persecution and defendant, special judge, Chamba LR Verma, on Saturday sentenced Bali Ram, son of Fihsar, resident of Saluni, by convicting him for carrying 2kg charas with him when he was nabbed by police.
In another ruling, the court convicted accused Kamal Kishore and his mother Taradevi of abetment to suicide by awarding them two-year imprisonment and fine of Rs 25,000. The two were charged in this case on September 22, 2009, after a woman died in Himgiri Hospital at Chamba after consuming some poisonous substance. The two were held responsible for forcing the women to commit suicide by the court.