Shimla: Himachal Pradesh girls and boys football teams will leave for Trichipalli in Tamil Nadu on May 27 to participate in the National Football Championship to be held from June 1 to 8. Ajay Sood, secretary of State Football Association, told HimVani that both the team have been finalised. The 12-member women team comprises Indra Sharma, Chandni Tomar, Munish Sisodia, Mehair Rana, Shrijan, Yshodhan Thakur, Arati Kondal, Seema, Gurmeet, Saniha, Monika Chandel, Raishal Kamal. The boys team includes Rohit Chauhan, Sharukh Vaikh, Yuyutsav Thakur, Vishaw Jeet Singh, Diwansh Sharma, Yakam Jeet, Summerjeet, Vishal Sharma, Harash Mohit Verma, Angad and Jaideep. Coaches Vinod Kumar, Hitesh Garg and Vimala Devi would also accompany the team.