Dharamsala: Local police today said Kings XI Punjab players, including S Sreesanth and Mahela Jaywardene, breached security in in the town, and a complaint was made to the team authorities regarding this. SP Atul Fulzele told reporters, “We lodged a complaint with Kings XI Punjab authorities for breach of security by S Sreesanth and Mahela Jaywardene. They slipped out of team hotel last night without informing the authorities.” Local papers today carried reports about the players being spotted in McLeodganj. The team had reached Dharamsala yesterday.
The entire team was in Mcleod last night having dinner at "The Mcleo" but Appam, Mahila and Ravi Bopara were roaming around on the Mcleod streets. I guess this was the security breach.
Wow… Why wasn't me there on the streets that time :((
The entire team was in Mcleod last night having dinner at "The Mcleo" but Appam, Mahila and Ravi Bopara were roaming around on the Mcleod streets. I guess this was the security breach.
Wow… Why wasn't me there on the streets that time :((
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