Opposition BJP today convened a meeting at Bilaspur of all party candidates who are in the fray before the counting of polling scheduled to be held on Dec 18, party senior leader informed. BJP State unit president Mr. Satpal Singh Sati told media person at Una that all the 68 candidates who are in the fray are invited in the meeting besides party National General Secretary Ram Lal Thakur would be the special invitee in the meeting. He said that Senior party leader and Members of Parliament would be invited to the meeting.
Mr. Sati said that party would choke at party strategy to face poss counting situation and he added that if party rebel and if the Independent candidates of BJP ideology would win the election party may consider about their support if it misses the number in the Assembly. He added that party did not sofar contemplate on this issue if the party would think it necessary in the future it is open to considering about this option.
Also read: Election counting rehearsal
He said that party is confident to secure victory in the state and chief minister face Mr. Prem Kumar Dhumal would work to bring the state economy on the rail as it was out of gear during last five years of Congress rule in the State. Former MLA from Kinnuar Tejwant Negi said that he would attend the meeting as it was very important for the party to form the next government moreover the election Survey indicates that party would return to power in the State.
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