The CBI Court today allowed the Narco analysis test of five accused arrested in Gudiya Gang Rape and murder case arrested by the State Police currently lodging in judicial custody. The five accused were produced before the CBI Special Judge Varinder Singh this morning for in camera hearing that took place for 40 minutes at Court complex Chakker.
Appearing for the CBI, Advocate Sushil Negi pleaded before the Court that five were must require undergoing the test to reveal the puzzle of Gudiya Gang rape & murder. During the hearing, counsel for one accused Ashish Chauhan, Mr. Ravi Tanta and Amit Sharma objected and opposed the Narco test pleading that CBI should take responsibility for adverse impact on the accused health after the test. However, the Court overruled the objection allowing the CBI to under go test.
Meanwhile, the State Counsel appearing for four other accused reportedly gave ascent to under go narco test. Mr Tanta and Mr Sharma told that the accused would be taken to Judicial custody at Tanda and to be handed over soon to the CBI which would undergo the five for Narco test at Delhi and Ahmedabad.
The five accused arrested by the State SIT including Mr. Ashish Chuhan, Rajinder Singh, Subhash Singh Bisht and Lokpal and Deepak are in judicial custody. The CBI has already arrested the eight police official including IGP south range Zohar Hader Zadi for the death of Suraj (the six the accused) died in the judicial custody. The eight police officials were undergoing the CBI remand till Sep 4.
The crime took place on July 6 when the body of 15 years old Xth class student Gudiya was recovered from Tandi forest of Kotkhai allegedly killed after the gang rape. Himachal Pradesh ordered on July 19 to transfer the case from Special Investigation Team (SIT) of State Police to CBI after the death of Suraj on July 17 in police custody.