The Himachal Pradesh Road Transport Corporation (HRTC) suspended its 200 services plying on the interstate route through Haryana, Punjab and Chandigarh, Transport Minister G.S. Bali said today. In order to protect the State property and lives of passengers, HRTC has decided to suspend more than 200 services plying between, Shimla-Chandigarh, Shimla-Delhi, Shimla-Haridwar, Shimla-Una and other routes for the next two days.
Addressing media persons Mr. Bali said that efforts are made to avert following the CBI Court Panchkula verdict against Sacha Sauda Chief Ram Rahim in the rape case lodged against him by the two victims. Mr. Bali said that taking precautionary measures HRTC would not run any service between 1700 hours today to Friday 1700 hours on Panjab, Haryana, Delhi and Uttrakhand as more than 200 services are driving on these route by State corporation.
He said most services of HRTC run on the interstate route after touching the ISBT Chandigarh and all would remain suspended for 24 hours. He said that it would render estimated loss of Rs one Crore to HRTC for one day. We would decide to run fleet on its service after 1700 hours tomorrow after the meeting of HRTC management and Government. He said that for the emergency situation HRTC would keep four light vehicles ready to ply on this route. Mr.Bali said that HRTC would pay the exgratia amount Rs five lakh to a victim who was killed in Bus stand Theog who buried under its debris when it fell down. He said that HRTC have decided to open a Fixed deposit account of Kishore Mithun of Bihar who had lost a limb in the mishap occurred recently.