The Himachal Pradesh Assembly Monsoon Session would commence tomorrow and is scheduled to be four-day session. Vidhan Sabha Secretary Mr. Sunder Lal Verma said that the session begins tomorrow with obituary references to the demise of former member Sadanad Chauhan and number of people under the road and rain-related death. A short discussion would be held on the first day of the session about loss caused by the heavy monsoon rainfall in the State.
There would be Question Hour after the obituary references and many reports would be laid on the floor of House. After the Question Hour, the Chief Minister would also announce official proceedings of the four-day session. One day of session has been dedicated for the private member bill while a number of new bills would be laid in the House.
This would be the last session of present Assembly as the State is likely to go for the poll in the month of November this year. The term of this Assembly is expiring in the Month of December this year. The Session is likely to be stormy after sensational rape and murder case at Kotkhaki and mysterious suicide of Forest Guard in Mandi district.
The Opposition BJP which have almost 27 MLA in the 68 member house likely to cordon Mr. Virbhadra Government which is facing the wrath of people owing to mishandling of Gang Rape and murder cases in the State. Congress and BJP has convened Congress and BJP legislative party meeting this evening to choke out its floor strategy.