The Himachal Pradesh High Court issued the notice to the senior Government and Forest State officers over the mysterious killing of brave Forest Department Guard at Karsog Forest range recently converting the case into public interest litigation taking Suo moto notice on the crime. The Division Bench of acting Chief Justice Sanjay Karol and Ajay Mohan Goel took Suo moto notice on the media report of yesterday over illicit felling in Karsog Forest range.
The HP High Court issued notices and sought the reply from the Chief Secretary, Principal Secretary Forest, Principal Chief Conservator of Forest distinct administration Mandi, SP Mandi and DFO by June 27. The media reports published on the incident indicated that there may be the role of the forest mafia in the crime as during inspection a team of forest department recovered many Deodar tree logs and their stumps on the spot at t Seri Kanthod forest beat.
The family member of deceased lodged missing report of forest guard on Jun 7 when he did not return home and the body was recovered hanged from a tree on Jun 9. The police have registered the case of murder and however, FSL report revealed that viscera of forest guard found traces of poison.