The Shimla Police today seized Rs 2000 new denomination fake note during the police checking at Shogi recovering about Rs one lakh forty thousands value counterfeit currency today arresting two people for the crime police sources said. Additional SP Shimla Mr Arjit Sen informed that it had seized fake currency after recovering it from the accused who were booked and arrested immediately. The accused were being interrogated at police station Bioleuganj.
The accused belong to Firojpur area of Punjab identified as Dault Ram and Harnik Singh were intercepted at Shogi market during a police naka today. Police party nabbed them soon after they had made attempts to exchange the currency note at Shogi Bazar. Earlier two accused was separately trying to circulate the currency note to local shop keepers who informed the police about them. Later they were nabbed by police seizing Rs 1.40 lac counterfeit currency note from their possession in a vehicle bearing Punjab number.