Shimla: Taking a landmark step, Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal today tabled a comprehensive Himachal Pradesh Hindu Public Religious Institutions and Charitable Endowments (Amendment) Bill, 2010, in the Assembly to manages the centuries-old wealth, including huge quantity of gold and silver, lying idle with various temple trusts in the state.
Dhumal sighted in the ‘statement of objects and reasons’ in the Bill that it is to amend Himachal Pradesh Hindu Public Religious Institutions and Charitable Endowments Act, 1984, which was enacted with a view to provide for better administration of Hindu public religious institutions and charitable endowments and for protection and preservation of properties of such institutions and endowments.
The government has proposed to use 10 per cent of gold for various activates related to temples, investing 20 per cent gold in the “Gold Bond Scheme ” of State Bank of India and 70 per cent of gold is to be kept as reserve in temples. It also suggests that 20 per cent of silver in temple trusts is to be used for various temple activities, 20 per cent will be kept in reserve in the temples and 60 per cent silver will be converted into silver coins and sold to devotees and pilgrims on the current market price prevailing at that time. The Bill would be brought to discussion on Monday.
This is certainly good news, our temples have so much of gold and silver, should improve revenues of temple admin and hence facilities for pilgrims
This is certainly good news, our temples have so much of gold and silver, should improve revenues of temple admin and hence facilities for pilgrims
Always helpful… I will be back soon!
Always helpful… I will be back soon!
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