The “Forests for prosperity” project of Rs. 665 Crore outlay would start soon with the collaboration of World Bank and State Government as it would be funded in 80:20 ratio by the World Bank and State Government. Thakur Singh Bharmouri Forests and Fisheries Minister, Himachal Pradesh informed in a press statement that the project would run in the different part of the State for a period of five years, in which spending will done for the prosperity of the forests.
Mr Bharmouri told that head quarter of the project would in the district Una and project to be headed by Indian Forest Service Officer, Mr. Samir Rastogi. He informed that by the intervention of the projects the income of the people residing in the villages will increase. He said that emphasis would be given on the production and collection of Non-Timber forest produce. He added that in addition to the traditional sources of income attention will be given to the other options like eco-tourism.
He cleared that by this project works for prosperity for forests will be done by which period of Hydro-electric projects would increase, because soil erosion will be stopped by different interventions and quality of silt by rivers to dam will also reduce. In addition to this quality of the water would also improve, which is used not only for drinking but irrigation purposes. He also added that long term effects like increase in the forest cover will also be there in the State.
Mr. Bharmouri told that nine members team of the World Bank is on visit to Shimla to check the different modalities of the project.World Bank team is headed by Marcello Acerbi, Environmentalist and they are meeting, in addition to the Officers of forest department, with the Senior Officers and head of the concerned departments like Tourism, Industry, Pollution Control Board, Energy etc.