The Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh who appeared before the Enforcement Directorate (ED) to give statement in the Prevention of Money Laundering Act case and was grilled by the agency for 9 hours yesterday today called AICC Chief Sonia Gandhi at 10 JanPath apprised here with the latest political developments following the ED action against him.
State Government communique issued today said that Mr Singh called on the Congress President Sonia Gandhi at New Delhi and it was courtesy call. Meeting reportedly lasted for more than half an hour. Mr. Singh who is reportedly staying at National Capital region till April 24 is likely to attend Niti Ayog Meeting scheduled on April 23 that will be chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
On April 24 Division bench of Delhi High Court would hear Mr. Singh’s plea as he had challenged the Mar 31 single bench judgment of same High Court dismissing the Himachal Pradesh High Court order to give him protection from the arrest in the DA and PMLA Case. In interesting development Himachal Pradesh Governor Acharya Devvrat called on Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Thursday at New Delhi.
Rajbhavan communique issued here today said that it was a courtesy call. Later, the Governor also met Minister of State for Home Kiran Rijiju and discussed various issues concerning the State. Mr. Devvrat meeting with the Home Minister is considered as important as the Central Agencies have tightened the noose around the Chief Minister as he was grilled for more than nine hours yesterday.
Mr. Singh appeared confident after the ED quizzing him but he also reportedly hurriedly convened a cabinet meeting at Himachal Pradesh Bhavan this morning however it ended without taking any decision soon after. Before the similar meeting with the AICC earlier Mr. Singh has been sought single line resolution from the state cabinet to show confidence in his Government however Chief Minister Office did not confirmed of such development today. The State also took the decision to do away the Red beacon today.