On the threshold of summer season, the Mercury is soaring high as it is has already touched more than 41 degree Celsius in the plane areas and keeping up abnormally high however it gave slight respite as Mercury came down by few degrees in the State today. The reports arriving said that the heatwaves continue to hit the people as they could not brave the sweltering heatwaves and confine in the cold places and shades during the day.
Una was recorded 40 degrees Celsius today which is about one degree less than yesterday, similarly Shimla town touched 27 degrees mark. Similarly Nahan was high at 33.2 degrees, Sundernagar was high at 36.1 degrees, Bhuntar in Kullu 33.5 degrees, Dharamshala 31.6 degrees, Solan 32 degrees and Kalpa 24.8 degrees respectively.
The Met office said that the heatwaves are likely to not give respite till April 20 as the weather would continue to be dry and sunny in the next three days.