People of this hill state continue to face the inclement weather as Indian Meteorological Department cautioned the people about more rain or snowfall in store for next week as it was overcast in the State today. The Met Office said that fresh Western disturbances moving towards the State would bring rain or snowfall in the next two days at few places in mid and high reaches moreover there could be heavy rain or snowfall on Jan 24th onwards in the State.
Issuing week long forecast IMD sources said that rain or snowfall likely to be occur at most parts in high and mid hills and rain or thunder showers in the down streams on Jan 24 and 25. It warned of heavy rain or snowfall in mid and high places at one or two places on Jan 24 and 25.
Reports coming from Keylong said that it was snowing in high reaches of Lady of Keylong, 7 Sister hills, 13050 ft High Rohtang Pass, Goshal hills since this afternoon. The State General Administration sources said that it could not conduct the scheduled two sorties of Helicopter to Tandi, Diet and Satingri Helipads today.
The minimum temperature increased by couple of degrees in the State however cold waves continue in the State. Keylong in the State recorded low at minus 12 degrees, Kalpa minus 2 degrees, tourist resort Manali 1 degree, Solan 3 degrees and Sundernagar in Mandi 3.5 degrees. Bhuntar 4.5 degrees, Kangra 5.8 degrees, Shimla 6.4 degrees, Una 6.5 degrees, Dharamshala 7 degrees and Nahan 9 degrees respectively.