Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh today assured to provide adequate compensation to families displaced due to Nagchala-Kullu-Manali four lane road. Presiding over a meeting today at Mandi Mr. Singh directed the senior officers of the Revenue Department to provide adequate compensation to affected families.
Accepting the demands of four lane affected Sangharsh Samiti he said that a family was permanently displaced from this land due to land acquisition and therefore it was must that such families get maximum benefits. Mr. Singh said that the construction of this four lane road would ensure development of the entire area and this issue should be resolved at the earliest with the cooperation of the local people. He also directed the officers to provide compensation to the affected families in time bound manner.
Revenue Minister Kaul Singh Thakur demanded that adequate compensation should be provided to the people concerned as fertile land was being acquired at several places. He assured that all the anomalies regarding the compensation would be removed soon. Four lane Sangharsh Samiti were lodging protest against the center and state government alleging that Land Accusation act recommends factor Two circle rate however Government already started construction work on the project without notifying adequate compensation. The State Government offered circle rate of Rs 24.50 lakh per Biswa recently as it acquired prime property Bentony Castle in Shimla.
Sir, The New Act known as Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land acquisition Rehabilitation & Resettlement Act 2013 applicable w.e.f. 1-1-2015 on National Highways , As for as compensation is concerned as per first schedule read with Explanation 4 (2) of section 26(1) (c) of the act , it says that market value calculated as per sub-section (1) shall be multiplied by a factor to be specified in the first schedule which is presently two for rural land and one for urban , in spite of assurance for equal treatment for urban and rural . In the the present dispute under consideration the word circle rate has been used. We feel that government is not ready to comply with the provisions of the act in spite of claiming by all parties that they are in favor of the farmers and they are ready to do every thing possible even at the centre level. The clarifications issued by the MORTH on compensation matter are full of ambiguities, which are not covering the opinion given by the additional Solicitor General of India in the main body of the instructions. It has categorically stated by the Minister concerned as per the news papers that farmers are to be given the benefits of compensation as per new act where an award has been passed prior to 1-1-2015 but in those cases neither the compensation was paid /deposited in account of the beneficiaries and no possession of the land was taken as on the said date. In-spite of the clear understanding the Ministry level officials are silent to clarify the matter. Farmers expect justice as per promises without knocking the doors of the courts. Arbitrators appointed are taking too time to start hearing even within the time limitation as prescribed under the arbitration amendment act. Further disputes for ileggal possession of land without notification and their settlement are also being delayed to harrase the farmers Kind attention of the concerned authorities are humbly invited to settle the disputes under reference . These difficulties are being aced in Punjab also esspecially on NH-15 . This may kindly be considered as request for good govereance as claimed in favour of the farmers. Thanks
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