Himachal Pradesh Health Department was running Bal Swasthya Karyakarm (Child Health Programme) to detect the birth-born disease among the children in their childhood after organizing health camps in the schools, the Government claimed that this year it had covered as many as 14454 state owned schools to check up students mainly of lower age group.
State Health Department spokesman told Himvani that Health is among the top priority sectors of the Government to offer qualitative health care facilities at the door steps, besides opening new health centres in remote and far-flung areas in the State efforts are on to organize special health camps in which health mobile vans visit along with kits to hard areas and hold BSK camps in the schools.
As many as 14454 schools of the State have been covered under BSK where 74515 students were screened for various treatments. He said that about 127 Yuva Paramarsh kendras (Youth Counseling Centers) have been set up in the State to guide teenagers and youth about health hygiene and awareness.
The State Government is also emphasizing to vaccinates and immunize new born to ensure the healthy development of citizen. This hill state has fixed target to immunized 128560 pregnant mothers and 108183 infants this year. Under this important health care segment provided vaccination to 62223 infants for TT, 57976 BCG, 58474 OPV, 82 DPT and 63628 measles respectively. Further departments staff provided Vitamin ‘A’ first dose to 54252 children, fifth dose to 62853 and 9th dose to the 62005 infants. DPT booster has been given to 60396, Polio booster to 60422 and measles second dose has been given to 60424 infants thereby achieving nearly 58 Per Cent target.