Shimla: The Himachal Pradesh government today launched a unique programme to achieve ‘total sanitation’ through a special folk media publicity campaign whereby, folk artistes would visit gram panchayats across the state to communicate the message of hygiene and cleanliness in the language of the local populace.
As many as 28 folk media groups would visit all gram panchayats in the state to create awareness about total sanitation, and to encourage people to participate in gram sabhas, MNREGA and other programmes of the government. Speaking on the occasion, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Minister Jai Ram Thakur said the government has targeted to make Himachal ‘open defecation free’ by the end of the current financial year. He said that 2,260 gram panchayats were already ODF and remaining 983 would also be achieving the target by this year end. He said that 520 gram panchayats had been awarded ‘Nirmal Puruskar’ and Rs 15 crore spent under total sanitation programme during 2009-10.
Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal stressed the need for participation of maximum people in gram sabhas and said that they should be educated about the relevance of gram sabhas through different modes of communication including folk media.