The Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Mr.Virbhadra Singh urged people to follow the teachings of Guru Govind Singh while participating on 350th birth anniversary at historical Ridge today. The two days event was organised by Guru Singh Sabha Shimla in collaboration with the State Government. The event was marked by the procession carrying holy palanquin of Guru Granth Sahib which started from DC office today.
Mr. Singh expressed happiness over 350th Birth Anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh Ji in which people from all walks of life participated. He said that he was feeling extremely happy to see that people of all religions had gathered to celebrate this occasion in large number, which reflects the unity and integrity. He said that Himachal Pradesh was a peaceful State where people of all religions live in harmony. He said that Guru Gobind Singh ji had great affection and love for this hilly State and did much of his creative and literary work on banks of the River Yamuna at Paonta in District Sirmour.
He said that Guru Gobind Singh Ji was the richest example of valor and sacrifice and worked for safe guarding of religion and humanity He said that we should take inspiration from his life and follow his teachings, his spirit of sacrifice and bravery to contribute constructively to the society. He said that teachings of Guru Gobind Singh ji were more relevant in the present day context and we must resolve to follow in his footsteps for building a strong, prosperous and united nation.
He said that he not only inspired the society with his spiritual teachings but also showed great courage in the battlefield and even sacrificed lives of his sons. An exhibition depicting the life circle and teachings of Guru Gobind Singh ji was also showcased on the Ridge. Among other attraction, Police and Army band display, martial art display by the Sikh people (Martial Art Gatka) was also performed.