75.06 lakh apple boxes sent to various markets from Himachal


After almost completing half of the apple season as many as 75.06 lakh apple boxes were sent to various markets in the Country besides buying of 2802.56 metric tone of apples through the State agencies in the collection center created in the apple growing areas. A spokesperson of the State Government said today that 75,06,094 apple boxes had been exported to different markets of the country through 16,672 trucks upto 31stAugust, 2016.

He said that the State Government has so far opened 253 collection centres in the State for procurement of apples under Market Intervention Scheme. Out of these 135 centres have been opened by HPMC and 118 by HIMFED. The Spokesman said that till date 2802.590 metric tonne apples have been procured through these collection centres. Apple crop in the State is lean this years as the Department expects the production of more than one crore apple boxes.

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ML Verma is a Senior journalist, with more than a decade of experience of active reporting for electronic media, news agencies and fast paced online media.

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