After giving principle approval to Rs 643 Cr, the team of World Bank today visited Shimla town to finalize and reach out the modalities of three water supply and sewerage water schemes with the aim to sort out prevalent drinking water demands upto 2050 in the town and its planning, the senior officers of Civic body confirmed.
The Superintendent Engineer of newly created water division of IPH under MC Shimla, Mr. Davinder Gill told media persons that World bank team comprised of consultants today convened the meeting to finalize the modalities as Detail Project Report of three different component of water schemes have been discussed. He said that Rs 350 Crore Scheme would cater for the making of new provisions of drinking water to the town. Rs 170 Crore for the Sewerage water and Rs 135 Crore to maintain the water supply inside the town.
He said that the team was in the State after urban development ministry of union government and World bank gave nod to the scheme. He said that officials of World bank were of the opinion that there is dire need of these scheme keeping the rising demand of water and prevalent crisis. Officials of the World bank and Civic bodies tried to sort out the norms as there are different norms of water supply schemes in the Country and rest of the world.
The Mayor of Shimla Mr. Sanjay Chauhan said that short supply of water is also denting the hospitality industries and people were forced to the consume unsafe water as the IPH department was giving priorities to maintain the quantity rather than quality. The water supply schemes are to supply 24X7 drinking water in the town after tapping more water sources and keeping demand of water till 2015 for the people living in Shimla and its planning areas.
Currently during the peak water season, the town gets supply of 42 to 45 million litres water per day however it came down drastically during the summer season when the town witnessed heavy footfall of tourist to beat the sweltering heat waves in the plain. The town was also facing the erroneous sewerage disposal schemes as people died of jaundice after mixing of sewer in the streams used to lift water for drinking schemes.