Ram bharose a short film from Himachal has won best movie award in social awareness at International Goa film carnival. The producer and director of film is TV and Film Actor Aaryan Harnot. This film is co-directed and edited by Manwar Rana.
For Ram Bharose movies, Kedar Thakur was nominated in best actor and Ashish Rana for best cinematographer category. More than 100 national and international short movies were chosen for screening at this festival. Aaryan said that this is really encouraging that their movie won as it was a tough competition. Moreover Ram Bharose is his first movie as a director. This three day international film festival took place at Goa and was organised by Goa talkies.
This short film is a social satire which revolves around people and their mentalities who spit, urinate and litter anywhere shamelessly. This story shows how Ram Bharose the main protagonist in the film finds a unique way to stop this nuisance. Ram Bharose’s character is brilliantly played by Shimla theater actor Kedar Thakur. Mukesh Lakhta has also played a small but noticeable character in this film.
Aaryan gives credit of this success to his team members who all hail from Shimla too. He wants to make more movies on social issues in future also. He says that there is immense talent hidden in himachal and it needs to be exposed and highlighted. Ram bharose a short film from himachal has won best movie award.