The Himachal Pradesh Governor Acharya Dev vrat said that Yoga is an important part of our rich culture and tradition. Yoga is the best means to purify mind and soul and without it we cannot envisage a healthy body, he added.
The Governor was speaking on the occasion of yoga rehearsal camp organized by the Rotary Club, Shimla at Raj bhawan today. He also participated in the camp as a guide and did Yogasana in the presence of public at large.
He said that the United Nations had declared June 21 as the International Day of Yoga and to mark this occasion yoga camp was organized in Rajbhawan. He added that the mechanism of human body was governed by the mind due to which most of the diseases were caused as a result of negative mind and it was confirmed by modern science also. He said that even the glands in our body functions as per the attitude of the mind. If there was positivity in mind, these glands would secret best for the body and yoga could play an important role in this direction.
The Governor appealed the people to bring change their routine life style and include yoga tradition in their daily life and conscious of health. He also stressed the need to focus on their eating habits. He disclosed that on the side lines of the International Yoga Day on 21 June, Yoga camp would be organized in Raj bhawan.