The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) welcomed the decision of Himachal Pradesh Government to revive the Shimla Airport, which was deprived of air connectivity for almost four years.
“Shimla is one of the major tourist destinations for the Northern region as well as the rest of the country. It also attracts many tourists throughout the year. Air connectivity has been a big challenge for them. I sincerely thank the Himachal Government for resurgence of the Shimla airport. This will act as a good decision in the promotion of tourism of the hill state” said Mr Sanjay Khurana, Chairman, CII Himachal Pradesh state Council. “Apart from helping tourists, it will benefit the industry in the state and citizens at large”, he added.
“CII hopes that very soon the state will be connected to all the major cities in the country as air connectivity is a big deterrent to tourism promotion in the state,” said Mr Rajesh Saboo, Vice-Chairman, CII Himachal Pradesh State Council.