A short Hindi Film titled ‘RAM BHAROSE’ directed and Produced by a renowned actor Girish Harnot (Aaryan Harnot) based in Mumbai has been selected for International Short Film Festival Goa from Himachal Pradesh which is being organized from 17th to 19th June, 2016 in Maquinex Palace, Panaji Goa.
The co-director and editor of this film is Manwar Rana. The concept and story is by Sh. Girish Harnot. The two renowned theater artists Kedar Thakur and Mukesh Lakhta have played a beautiful role in this film. The camera of this entire film is operated by Shri Pay Ly. This film was shooted in a shop at Mashobra last year.
The theme of the film is on the crucial subject of the community at public places. It positively adds to the current crusade on general cleanliness in the life of humanity. This is a message for those people who are in a habit to urinate, spit and letterings at public places and also fulfill the commitment of Indian Government to clean India every time.