The Opposition BJP today staged the walkout from State Legislative Assembly in the afternoon today on the issue of Central University alleging that Mr.Virbhadra Singh’s government wrote a letter to Union Government to set up the campus at Dharamshala.
After 2 days long debate on the supplementary demand of Education department and cut motions of BJP, the Chief Minister Mr.Virbhadra Singh gave the reply in the House today alleging that BJP created different picture on the issue in the house during the discussion blaming the State Government for not taking consistent stands on the issue.
“State government never adopted inconsistent stands on the issue for setting up of the Central University and it was ready to set up the campus of Central University at Dharamshala if people of Kangra would like to do so. However, it never opposed setting up of the campus in Palampur and Dehra subdivision. “ Mr.Singh said
The Chief minister also said that during the last Congress rule it had requested former Union Finance Mr. P. Chitambaram to set up a Central university and IIT in Mandi and Dharamshala. It was after that the IITs and Central Universities were announced.