The Legislative Assembly of Himachal Pradesh today adjourned for the 9 day break amid opposition walkout against Chief Minister Mr. Virbhadra Singh speech on the 5 day long debate on the State general budget presented on Mar 8 by Mr. Singh on issue of supply of costly china made Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamps figure in the State.
Before this budget session was adjourned for a break of 9 days, it witnessed protest by the opposition BJP accusing Mr.Singh’s 3 years rule for the supply of 51 lakh china made LED bulb on the exorbitant rate from the market.
Mr. Singh said Prime Minister had launched a national programme for LED-based energy efficiency as the scheme was implemented by M/s Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) in all the States including Himachal Pradesh.
He said that bulbs are distributed in the Himachal Pradesh State Electricity board at the rate of Rs 100 per unit on cash payment and at the rate of Rs 105 on monthly instalment.
The Chief Minister also blamed the frustrated Opposition seems to be indulged in the walk out after facing clean sweep and drubbing in recent Rural and Urban bodies elections.