Owing to delay in forest clearance to expand industrial hub at Dhabota in Nalagarh industrial area of Solan district Rs 25 crore project is in halt as union forest and environment ministry has urged the State to provide the land to Forest Research Institute Dehradun to plant the equivalent number of trees to be axed for the upcoming unit. This was stated by Industry Minister Mr. Mukesh Agnihotri who was replying to a query raised by BJP member Krishan Lal Thakur in the assembly during the question hour yesterday.
The minister said that member should assist the government officials to find out a suitable chunk of state land to transfer to Forest Research Institute so that forest clearance could be obtained for the industrial hub. “Since the project to be rolled out subject to forest clearance work was in halt as land could not be identified. He said that agency would plant equivalent of trees estimated to fell for the it” Mr. Agnihotri said adding that State Government is giving priority to build up new industrial areas in the State.
He said that three industrial areas including Dhabota, Kandrori in Bilaspur and Patnog in Una to be developed by the State Government spending Rs 25 Cr for the creation of infrastructure.
Urging the minister to work in an un-partisan manner to develop all part of state uniformly BJP member alleged that former was confined to develop his own assembly segment Haroli as industrial area Dhabota facing the apathy of minister.
Himachal Pradesh has a wide scope for developing various types of biotechnology based industries and to harness this potential to maximum Bio Technology Policy 2014 has been formulated.