Shimla Municipal Council urges the State Government to suspend sewerage polluted water supply


Shimla Municipal Corporation today urged the Congress Government in the State to immediately withhold the supply of drinking water from Ashwani Khud as it was found polluted with the sewerage treatment plant however report of the infestation of Hepatitis virus is awaited from Pune based virology lab.

The Municipal House general meeting held today decided to pass a resolution urging the State Government to immediately withheld the supply of Ashwani Khud water lifting scheme to Shimla town as about 1500 people were contracted with Jaundice and two to three of them succumbs to epidemic declared by the district administration recently.

It is an utter shame that neither top functionary of bureaucracy or State Government ministers paid heed to MC repeated request that water supply to one-third of town being done by the Ashwani Khud is infected with the sewerage water moreover negligence cost lives of people in the Raj day town, Mayor of Shimla MC Mr. Sanjay Chauhan interacting to media after the house resolved to wake up the slumbering state machinery.

The STP not only polluted the water supply scheme of this capital town but a number of citizens in nearby Solan town contracted jaundice forcing the Solan civic body to immediately stop the supply of drinking water from polluted rivulets like Shimla, Mr. Chauhan added.

MC Shimla constituted a 5 member committee of its councillor and officials which concluded in its report laid in the house today that there is no treatment of water for Virus causing Hepatitis either at the sewerage treatment plant or at the source and pumping station at Ashwani Khud.

The team concluded that quality of Ashwani Khud water is not good which is causing the outbreak of jaundice in the town.

Members of Congress, BJP and CPI (M) today showed it strong resentment against the State Government and IPH Department for ignoring the MC repeated warning about pollution caused by STP.

MC house has passing number of resolution about the outbreak of jaundice and other water borne disease due to releasing of untreated water of Sewerage Treatment Plant in water sources at Ashwani Khud but neither BJP or Congress State Government or senior officers of IPH department took any action on errant contractors or officials of Irrigation and Public Health Department caused epidemic in the town, Mayor alleged.

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