Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Mr. Virbhadra Singh today laid the foundation stone of improvement and extension of gravity water supply scheme-Garoh-Garh-Saira-Noura at Dharamshala, to be constructed at an estimated cost of Rs. 222.07 lakh. The scheme will benefit 17 census villages and 66 habitations of the area.
The Chief Minister said State Government was making all efforts to provide drinking water and irrigation facilities to every village of the State for which a number of schemes were being executed. He directed the officials to complete all the projects in Kangra district in the stipulated time period.
He said that out of total 7373 habitations in the Kangra district, 6128 have been provided drinking facility. The target was for covering more 312 habitations had been fixed for this financial year, out of which 242 had already been covered so far.
He said target had also been fixed for covering 921-hectare land under irrigation, out of which 685 hectares land was covered during last year. He said that 418 major, medium and minor irrigation schemes had been completed in the district thereby bringing 42023 hectares of land under irrigation facility.
Mr. Singh said that 9314 hand pumps had been installed in the district, out of which 472 hand pumps had been installed during this financial year up to December 2015.
The Chief Minister also laid the foundation stone of separate lift water supply scheme to Tundu and Tharu villages in Shahpur tehsil of Kangra district. The scheme will be completed at a cost of Rs. 113.04 lakh benefiting more than 3000 people and seven habitations of the area.