Himachal targets Rs 50,000 crore investment



    NEW DELHI: Himachal Pradesh has set a target to seek investment of Rs 50,000 crore under the central industrial package till 2010. This was statd by  Kuldeep Kumar, industries minister, during the Himachal Day function at the India International Trade Fair 2006.

    Keeping in view the growing demand of industrial houses and infrastructure, the state government is acquiring 15,000 bigha additional land in the plain areas of the state, bordering Punjab and Haryana, to set up 60 new industrial areas in the state, Kumar informed.

    He said that three special economic zones will be set up in the state with an estimated cost of Rs 6,580 crore. The multi-product special economic zones to be set up in Nurpur and Kangra will come up at an estimated cost of Rs 2,000 crore. An airport-based special economic zone to be set up in Una district will incur an estimated cost of Rs 4,392 crores. While the third – multi product special economic zone to be set up at Waknaghat in Solan district will incur an estimated cost of Rs 1,188 crore.

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