Himachal Pradesh Assembly passes five bills in one go



    The Himachal Pradesh Assembly adjourned sine die here today and passed five bills without any discussion with voice vote in the absence of opposition members. The bill cleared by the house include Himachal Pradesh Medical Education Institutions (Regulation, Admission and Fixation of Fee) and Himachal Pradesh Fruit Nurseries Registration and Regulation Bill.

    Horticulture Minister Ms. Vidya Stokes presented in the assembly, the  Himachal Pradesh Fruit Nurseries Registration and Regulation Bill replacing the 40 years old act. She said that certain new provisions have been introduced in the bill as the state now aims to check the illegal practices in fruits especially in apple nurseries as farmers have actually started importing the plants from abroad. She also said that some people are multiplying imported varieties of apple here in local markets and so there was a strong demand of a stringent law to avert sale of fake or untreated plants with disease.

    She also said that the new law would have the penal provisions and whoever contravenes any of the provisions of this act would be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extended to one year or with fine which may be extended to Rupees 50000 or both. This new legislation is being introduced to make provisions for registration of bud wood bank, tissue culture lab besides fruit nursery and also now there would be provision for penalties in case nurseries are not adhering to legal practice.

    Mrs. Stokes added that it would make the certification mandatory and also penalties to be introduced to ensure quality. The bill would have the provision of inspection of nursery and confiscation and destruction of material and plants that do not conform to the quality regulation of the nurseries in the state. The house adopted the bill without any discussion after passing it with voice vote.

    Health Minister Mr. Kaul Singh also presented the Himachal Pradesh Private Medical Educational Institutions (Regulation and of Admissions and fixation of Fee) Amendment Bill, 2015 that has aimed to vest powers to affiliate private medical education institutions with Himachal Pradesh University (HPU).

    A sub-clause would be inserted in Section 3 of the Principal Act for regulation of admission in private medical institutions on the basis of merit obtained in Centralized Common Admission Test and also seeks to plug some loopholes and ambiguities in definitions of clauses (e) and (j) of section 2, which are being misused by the private medical educational institutions to introduce element of opaqueness and irregularities in the admission process.

    The amendment would be applicable to all private medical institutions, and seeking affiliation to HPU will be made mandatory. The amendment provides for making admissions from the centralized examinations (AIPMT, NEET) conducted either by central agency (with CBSE) or by Himachal Pradesh University and to ensure that all institutions are regulated under the provisions of the Act.

    Himachal Pradesh Goods Taxation (Amendment) Bill 2015, Himachal Pradesh (Road Goods Transport) Taxation Amendment Bill 2015 and Himachal Pradesh Hotel and Residential House Taxation Bill 2015 were also passed in the House without discussion with voice vote.

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