BJP accuses the Congress rule for fudging data for smart city project



Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has accused the Congress rule for fudging data for smart city project to encourage nepotism, and regionalism. Former BJP president and Shimla legislator Suresh Bhardwaj said that the states urban development minister has committed a fraud in selection of towns under smart city project.

“Urban development minister is influencing a high level committee under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary for fudging the facts” added Mr. Suresh Bhardwaj.

Mr. Bhardwaj also said that regarding the publication of e-newsletter the executive officer of Dharamsala Municipal Committee has wrongly claimed that they were publishing the e-newsletter. He also said that website of Dharamshala Municipal Committee does not give any budget information contrary to the claim.

He also added that Municipal Committee has been claiming 100% reform, which is another lie and the facility for depositing an on-line property tax, and unit area method has not been implemented. Apart from this the facility for on-line water tax submission is also not available in Dharamshala Municipal Committee he added.

The updated accounting system has not been incorporated into the financial management of Dharamshala Municipal Committee and despite that Sudhir Sharma the Urban Minister has misused his position to cook fake information to get the smart city status for Dharamshala, which is a violation of the duties and fostering of regionalism.

“I will write to Union minister M V Naidu pointing out the above mentioned fudging done by the Himachal Pradesh government” says Shimla MLA Suresh Bhardwaj. He has also demanded the Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh to reexamine the entire issue so that the fraud could be set right as capital city Shimla stands qualified on all parameters defined by the centre government.

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