Shimla: The budget session of Himachal Pradesh assembly will begin tomorrow (Tuesday). Vidhan Sabha secretary Goverdhan Singh today told HimVani that Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal, who also holds the finance portfolio, will introduce the budget for 2010-11 on March 12, 2010.
The CD scandal is expected to rock the house with Congress making all efforts to demand an explanation from the ruling BJP over ‘shoddy investigation’. But lately there are indications that the Congress may not push the issue too hard due to complexity of the matter, including an earlier episode of CD expose involving Congressmen. The opposition anyhow plans to corner the government on the phone tapping issue involving former CM Virbhadra Singh.
Leader of the opposition Vidya Stocks told HimVani that public interest issues would be raised in the house and Congress party will oppose anti-people policies, and deteriorating law and order situation in the state. She said that a CLP meeting was held here this evening.On the other hand, the legislative party meetings of BJP were also held today to discuss issues pertaining to public interest.
The session, having 26 sittings, will conclude on April 13. In the 68-member assembly, BJP has strength of 42, Congress has 23 MLAs and three are independent legislators.