Shimla: Described the Union budget as anti-poor, Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal criticised the government for not extending special industrial package to the state, that would expire next month. “In the general budget presented in New Delhi Friday, the central government has played a cruel joke with the state”, Dhumal said.
“The centre has once again discriminated with us by not extending special industrial package that was given by the Vajpayee-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government in 2003. It was originally sanctioned till 2013 and later brought down to 2010 by the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government,” he said.
The Himachal Pradesh State Committee of the CPI (M) called for withdrawal of indirect tax proposals, which, party members said, which would fuel inflation and adversely affect the people. “The increase in petrol and diesel prices hke should also be taken back. The cuts in food and fertiliser subsidy also need to be reversed,” said Rakesh Singha, Central Committee member from HP.