Himachal Pradesh Government proposes bill for owning ‘long possessed’ common land



Himachal Pradesh Government today introduced a bill in the state legislative assembly providing ownership rights to the long time possessor of common lands by amending the Himachal Pradesh Village Common Lands Vesting and Utilization Act, 1974.

The state government proposes to amend the law by inserting section 8 which will allow the government to come up with a new scheme giving benefit to all identified 1237 cases largely of Solan district.

Keeping in view long possession of the land and to avoid multiplicity of necessary litigation, it has been decided to finally settle these cases giving ownership rights to the Chakotadars (who are possessing the lands and are using this land for farming for many years)with the proposed new land bill. Out of total cases to be regularized under the new proposed law, 981 are in Solan, 184 in Kangra, 36 in Hamirpur and 36 in Una district .

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