Shimla: In a first of its kind decision affecting a large hydro power project in the state, the Himachal Pradesh High Court has ordered work to halted at the Parvati-II project being executed by National Hydro Power Corporation. Hearing a public interest petition, the court has asked the respondents to file their replies within four weeks and the Pollution Control Board has also been asked to file a status report.
The petitioner, Narinder Sharma, had claimed that all environment protection norms were being flouted at the project site, thus destroying the local eco system and also the livelihood of villagers. Interestingly, the court has taken strong notice of photographs attached with the petition showing muck being dumped without following norms.
Have they got "env clearance" from the competent body to "clear the env."?!
This is indeed a heartening news, especially for those who have been to the project area and have seen the destruction unleashed by the project there. It was particularly shocking to know that the authorities of GHNP were on a denotification spree, compromising with the core cause of the park – conservation. I especially remember trekking through the villages around GHNP and hearing from the locals ' next time you come here, the village will be gone' . It sounded all meaningless considering the migration of the local population due to unemployment never stopped after Parvati1 was completed. And if there is any economic recovery, it's only because of the growing trend of eco- tourism, which would be killed of Parvati11 continues. So I congratulate Mr Sharma and wish him good luck for the future phases of the fight.
On papers i believe yes.. let us see how it comes out finally..
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