Shimla: The state-level Independence Day function will be held at Fatehpur in district Kangra. Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal would preside over the function. Ravinder Singh Ravi, Irrigation and Public Health Minister; Kishan Kapoor, Industries Minister; Ramesh Dhawala, Food and Civil Supplies Minister and Sarveen Choudhary, Social Justice and Empowerment Minister will also be present at the state-level function.
Tulsi Ram, Speaker, Vidhan Sabha, will preside over the district-level Independence Day function at Mandi. Gulab Singh Thakur, Public Works Minister, will preside over the district-level Independence Day function at Bilaspur, I.D. Dhiman, Education Minister at Una, J.P. Nadda, Forest Minister at Solan; Narinder Bragta, Horticulture Minister at Shimla; Dr. Rajiv Bindal, Health Minister at Nahan, Jai Ram Thakur, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Minister at Chamba; Mahender Singh Thakur, Transport Minister at Hamirpur and Rikhi Ram Kaundal, Deputy Speaker, Vidhan Sabha, will preside over the district-level function at Kullu.
Sat Pal Singh Satti, Chief Parliamentary Secretary, will preside over district-level Independence Day function in Kinnaur and Virender Kanwar, Chief Parliamentary Secretary at Keylong.